The Scrap Electronics Exchange Network
The Scrap Electronics Exchange Network was established to link buyers and sellers of electronic and computer scrap
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Browse the Buy & Sell Inquiries
(or add your own inquiry)
in the following Categories:
  1. Electronics Scrap Recovery
  2. Used Computers & Electronics
  3. Toner Cartridge Remanufacturing
  4. Cathode Ray Tube Recovery (CRT)
  5. Phone Recycling & Used Telephones
  6. Used Wireless & Two Way Radio Equipment
  7. Used TV, Video & Cable Equipment
  8. Used Office Equipment
  9. Used Electrical Equipment
  10. Other Electronics Recycling
HOT qualified Trade Alerts

Matching Buyers and Sellers

The Scrap Electronics Exchange Network is a membership based site that gives you the ability to view the contact information for any of the existing buy/sell/trade listings contained within the 10 categories of Electronic and Computer Scrap.

Purchase Membership

$125/Month   $1250/Year  

How to Use Membership in weeescrap.com

Additional Benefits of Membership:
- receive email notice with full details of NEW buy/sell/trade listings submitted to the site.
- post exchange listings and receive all replies to these listings from existing members and non-members.
- daily spot market prices for individual grades of materials. - annual summary of the historic low, high and average monthly prices over the past 12 months.
The Scrap Electronics Exchange Network is part of the Cooksmill NetSytems network. Listings included in this site are sourced from the network of trading exchanges operated by Cooksmill NetSystems, giving you 1 central location to access all of the Electronic and Computer Scrap Recycling leads.

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